Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Yoga & Meditation, the good life.

Semester is almost finished and exams are starting next week. Feeling the need to study is at it's highest, but I can't manage to find the concentration necessary which isn't normal for me. I'm normally always able to sit down and bash out some work very easily. Today hasn't been like that. I keep finding that my thoughts wander onto new projects and times in the future. Buddha would be very upset with me, well at least as upset as Buddha could be.

To try and combat this I went for a run this afternoon. My aim being to run so much that I would be too tired to think. Halfway through the run I decided that it's about time I abort that plan and just relax into the run. It was great from then on. I stopped to watch some kids playing soccer, walked a little further and then continued my run. Once I got home, I just did a couple warm down stretches and then I realised - I was busy doing some yoga. I then started to remember how when I was in India I would do a little everyday and mix in some mediation and how relaxed and empowered I felt. I haven't done it much since then. So, I have decided that I am going to start stretching and mediating in the morning and I am going to try and do it everyday this week, and then continue from then on.

I'm not going to go all intense into the yoga, but just a couple morning stretches to get the blood flowing nicely. I'm going to start with a very simple 'salute the sun' stretch that works all the major muscle groups in the body and then I am going to sit for 10 minutes minimum and do some breathing exercises and get my mind on track for the day.

I decided to list a couple of good things about what I plan to do, this way it'll help me to stay on track because I know what I am doing has benefits. The basics:

1. The breathing exercises help you to get rid of all the carbon dioxide that has accumulated while you sleep. Carbon dioxide is converted to a mild acid molecule when it isn't able to be expelled from the body. By breathing deeply you can get rid of a lot of it and it will leave you feeling rejuvenated.

2. Stretching will help you keep your flexibility. It helps to increase your full range of motion that is possible in your major muscle groups. It also helps to improve your muscle circulation.

3. Meditation will help you to relax and set the tone for the day. If you take some time in the morning to  plan the day, you will find that you are more focused and use your mental resources better during the day.

So on that note, let me go now and do my 10 minutes of meditation.

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